Sunday, November 9, 2008

Final presentation to defense thesis

There are five Cambodian students at Chonnam National University are going to graduate in this coming winter on February, 2009. So, this month and next month are the time for them to present their thesis.

Mr. KHAY Sathya has presented his Ph.D thesis entitled: "Method Developments and Determinations of Xenobiotic Residues in Foodstuffs" on November 7th, 2008 at Building 4, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

There are two Cambodian students are going to present their Master's thesis on on November 10th, 2008 at Building 4, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Ms. TAING Sreiny is going to present her Master's thesis entitled: "Method Establishment and Residue Determination of Isocarbophos in Pepper, Chinese cabbage, Apple, Brown rice and Soybean using GC-FPD." Mr. HEM Lina is going to present his Master's thesis entitled: "Study on dissipation pattern of acrinathrin, dinotefuran, fenhexamid, methoxyfenozide, and tetradifon on/in pepper grown under greenhouse condition."

Mr. SAR Kinal is going to present his Master's thesis entitled: "The Journey of Korean Investors toward Cambodia" on December 10th, 2008 at College of Business and Administration.

Ms. CHHAY Sreyleak is going to present her Master's thesis entitled: "A Study on the Development Direction of Cassava Industry in Cambodia" on December 1st, 2008 at Building 4, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

1 comment:

Coffee Recipes said...

Appreciate you blogginng this